**[General Information]**
I've begun upgrading my Unity 4 project to Unity 5.2.1f1 Personal, mainly replacing the old Network Views with the new Network Identity's and the like. The game randomly generates the scene on the server through a main scene, loading areas using **Application.LoadLevelAdditive()**. These *sub scenes* contain objects with **Network Identity** components.
When a client connects it is sent strings to identify which *sub scenes* to load in which positions. The objects in these *sub scenes* however do not have any way of syncing their **Network Identity**'s with their equivalent on the server because each was created locally with **Application.LoadLevelAdditive()**. On client connect the game freezes entirely and logs the following errors:
HLAPI CRC channel count error local: 10 remote: 15
Spawn scene object not found for x
The second error is in the log countless times, where x represents a variety of integers. I assume these represent various objects with Network Identity's in said *sub scenes*.
How would one go about syncing said components? Is there way way load levels additively consistently across the network? Any function like Network.LoadLevelAdditive?
*Also, any tag suggestions would also be helpful as I did not know what to is relevant to this bug.*